
Genealogical Word Lists - German French Latin

Latin-English Dictionary - Online

French Republican Calendar - Use to convert from Napoleon dates to the Gregorian Calendar

German Empire - General Tools

Germany Genealogy Internet Portal - German genealogy site

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg - Digital images of some parish registers

Telephone Directory - Modern Germany

Online Ortsfamilienbücher (Online Heritage Books)

Polish Genealogical Word List

Handwriting Sample in Wiki

Handwriting (Click on Examples Box)

Surname Distribution Map of Germany

Translator - Translate from a foreign language to English

German Empire - Gazetteers for Finding Church and Civil (Vital) Records Localities

Meyers Gazetteer - Main gazetteer of localities and maps of the former German Empire

Kartenmeister - Scroll down the site to find field boxes (not complete, but valuable)

Baden - Gives localities of churches in Baden


Berlin and Brandenburg - Ancestry is a premium site, but is available for free at many libraries

East Prussia - Ancestry is a premium site, but is available for free at many libraries

Hannover - Ancestry is a premium site, but is available for free at many libraries

Hessen - Begin with image 519

Hessen-Nassau - Ancestry is a premium site, but is available for free at many libraries

Hohenzollern - Ancestry is a premium site, but is available for free at many libraries

Mecklenburg - Book images start at image 389

Pomerania - Ancestry is a premium site, but is available for free at many libraries

Posen - Ancestry is a premium site, but is available for free at many libraries

Rhine Province - Ancestry is a premium site, but is available for free at many libraries. Eifel Region of the Rhine Province - Birth and Marriage Search by town - by Tom Pick - (Does not include all localities in the Eifel Region.)

Saxony (Kingdom)

Saxony (Province in Prussia) - Ancestry is a premium site, but is available for free at many libraries

Schleswig-Holstein - Ancestry is a premium site, but is available for free at many libraries

Silesia - Ancestry is a premium site, but is available for free at many libraries

Westphalia, Waldeck, and Pyrmont - Ancestry is a premium site, but is available for free at many libraries

West Prussia - A province in Prussia - Ancestry is a premium site, but is available for free at many libraries


Poland - General Tools

Genealogical Word Lists - German Latin Polish Russian

Polish Archives

Poznan Project - Database

Poland Societies

Lublin Roots - Scroll the page for the parishes

Poland - Gazetteers

Deutsch-fremdsprachiges (fremdsprachig-deutsches) Ortsnamenverzeichnis. This locality name-change gazetteer is for areas lost from Germany to Poland after WWI, such as Posen, and further north.

Amtliches Gemeinde- und Ortsnamenverzeichnis der deutschen Ostgebiete unter fremder Verwaltung - for Schlesien (Silesia), which German lost after WWI. You may find this at family history centers on LDS microfiche 6053256 (not yet digitized). This type of gazetteer shows that Falkowitz, Kreis Oppeln, Silesia became “Germanized” to Falkendorf during the Hitler era, then changed to Fałkowice, Opole, Poland after WWII.

Kartenmeister - scroll the page and enter German or Polish info into appropriate field - incomplete.

Spis miejscowości Polskiej Rzeczypospolitej Ludowej is the standard gazetteer for Poland, used by catalogers at the Family History Library. It does not give parish jurisdictions.

Słownik geograficzny królestwa polskiego i innych krajów słowiańskych lists localities.

Skorowidz miejscowości rzeczypospolitej polskiej - Poland between WWI and WWII

Gemeindelexikon der im Reichsrate vertretenen Königreiche und Länder : bearbeitet auf Grund der Ergebnisse der Volkszählung vom 31. Dezember 1900 - Galizien XII - for Galicia

Poland - Maps

Central Europe - Grid map shows main cities (use gazetteers to determine higher locality jurisdiction), then check grid map

Meyers Gazetteer - Type in former German name of the locality

Online modern map of Poland - Type in locality in the search box


Slovenian Genealogy


Register of Swiss Surnames

United Kingdom & Ireland

GENUKI - UK and Ireland Genealogy